Embracing Sabbath

In a world that never seems to slow down, the concept of Sabbath—a day of rest—might seem outdated or even impossible. Yet, as we navigate our fast-paced lives, taking intentional time for rest is more relevant and necessary than ever. At Simplify Project Co., simplifying is about creating room for what truly matters. And what's more important than rest?

The Biblical Wisdom of Sabbath: The Sabbath originated from Biblical traditions, where it was a day set apart for rest, reflection, and worship. The instructions are simple: work for six days, then rest for one. Setting aside a weekly time for rest acknowledges our human need to pause, recharge, and reconnect with God, ourselves, and our surroundings.

In today's society, where busyness is often worn as a badge of honor, taking time to rest can feel counterproductive. However, the truth is that we are not designed to be in constant motion. Just like our devices need to recharge, so do we.

Why it matters:

  • Mental Clarity and Creativity: When we're constantly on the go, our minds can become cluttered, much like a messy room. Rest gives our brains the opportunity to clear out the mental clutter and make room for new ideas and creativity. When we take time to step back, we often gain fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to problems that seem unsolvable.

  • Physical Health: Chronic stress and lack of rest can take a toll on our bodies, leading to burnout, illness, and fatigue. Regular rest is essential for maintaining our physical health. It allows our bodies to repair, rejuvenate, and prepare for the challenges ahead.

  • Emotional Well-being: Rest is also vital for our emotional health. During moments of stillness, we can process our feelings, reflect on our experiences, and nurture our relationships. By prioritizing rest, we're better equipped to handle life's ups and downs with grace and resilience.

  • Spiritual Renewal: For those who practice the Christian faith, the Sabbath is a time to deepen one's relationship with God. Engaging in Bible study, prayer, and other rhythms of grace can bring a profound sense of peace and purpose. It's a time to align our hearts with God's will and experience the restorative power of His presence.

  • Strengthened Relationships: A simplified life is one that values connection. When we carve out time for rest, we also create space for meaningful relationships. Whether it's spending a quiet afternoon with loved ones, engaging in deep conversation, or simply being present with those around us, rest fosters the kind of connections that bring joy and fulfillment to our lives.

How to Do It:

1. Set Boundaries: One of the first steps in honoring a Sabbath is setting boundaries. Setting specific beginning and ending hours for your Sabbath will yield significant benefits. This might mean saying no to particular activities or commitments. Protect your day of rest as you would any critical event.

2. Establish Habits: Developing simple habits can help you transition into rest. Whether cooking and enjoying a great meal, lighting a candle, taking a walk in nature, or engaging in a favorite hobby, these habits signal to your mind and body that it's time to slow down.

3. Engage in Prayer and Bible Study: Dedicate time during your Sabbath for scripture and prayer. This practice allows you to connect with God, gain wisdom from His Word, and find guidance for your life. Consider meditating on passages that speak to rest and God's provision, such as Psalm 23 or Matthew 11:28-30.

4. Reflect on Rhythms of Grace: Reflecting on the rhythms of grace—study, prayer, community, silence, solitude, and service—can deepen your Sabbath experience. Consider how these rhythms manifest in your life and allow them to guide your thoughts and actions during this time of rest.

Helpful Resources

1, Books:

  • The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel – A profound exploration of the meaning and importance of the Sabbath in our lives.

  • The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath by Mark Buchanan – This book offers practical insights into the transformative power of rest.

  • Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in Our Busy Lives by Wayne Muller – A guide to reclaiming rest and balance in a world of relentless demands.

2. Podcasts:

  • The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman – A podcast focused on making space for your soul to breathe through intentional pauses and reflections.

  • The Art of Simple Podcast by Tsh Oxenreider – Discussions on simplifying life, with episodes dedicated to rest, focusing on God, and creating space for what matters.

3. Online Resources:

  • Sabbath Manifesto – A creative project designed to slow down lives in an increasingly hectic world.

  • The Nap Ministry – A community focused on the power of rest as a form of resistance against overwork and exhaustion.

  • Unplugged – Resources for digital detoxing and setting boundaries with technology.


At Simplify Project Co., we believe that the path to a meaningful life is paved with intentional choices, and rest is one of the most important choices we can make. Embracing the Sabbath is about more than just taking a break; it's about honoring the natural rhythms of life and making space for what truly matters: faith, family, and friends.

As you continue the journey towards simplifying your life, we encourage you to incorporate regular periods of rest into your routine. In doing so, you'll find that rest is not a luxury but a necessity.

Simplify Project Co. is dedicated to helping you streamline your life so you can focus on what truly matters—faith, family, and friends. Stay tuned for more tips and guides on how to live a simpler, more fulfilling life.



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